Alfa Romeo Giulia TI Super 

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1963 Race Results

The following is a list of race results from the first year of racing 1963.

Rally Du Varoverall winPensier / Areclin
Alpenbergpreis Rossfeld2nd and 3rd in classFurtmayr / Geiß
6 h Nürburgring4th overall and 1st and 2nd in classBergmann / Rader and Furtmayr / Schultze
Mont Ventoux2nd in classFurtmayr
Zolder3rd in classFurtmayr
Zandvort3rd in classFurtmayr
Timmelsjoch2nd in classFurtmayr
Budapest4th overall and 1st in classFurtmayr
Tour de France4th overall, group winMasoero / Maurin
Preis von Tirol2nd in classFurtmayr